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en:faq:materiel:cluster [27/09/2018 09:45]
en:faq:materiel:cluster [04/01/2019 10:15] (current)
jdesouza [FAQ : Cluster monitoring]
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-====== ​FAQ : Cluster monitoring ======+====== ​Procedure: Cluster monitoring ====== 
 ===== Scope ===== ===== Scope =====
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 At a minimum, each server uses 3 network adapters configured as follows: At a minimum, each server uses 3 network adapters configured as follows:
-• ETH1 = Main Network Interface = IP_Server +  * ETH1 = Main Network Interface = IP_Server 
- +  ​* ​ETH2 = bridged network interface for virtual machines = IP_Br0 
-• ETH2 = bridged network interface for virtual machines = IP_Br0 +  ​* ​ETH3 = "​Private"​ server synchronization network interface, direct link between the cluster nodes.
- +
-• ETH3 = "​Private"​ server synchronization network interface, direct link between the cluster nodes.+
 On HP servers, the HP_ILO management interface for monitoring the machine can be set to benefit from the information of the server'​s physical state (see ILO monitoring documentation). On HP servers, the HP_ILO management interface for monitoring the machine can be set to benefit from the information of the server'​s physical state (see ILO monitoring documentation).
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 //The 2 servers are connected to each other by a link allowing to have the servers in 2 different and distant technical premises to ensure the physical integrity of the equipment and the non-propagation of a physical damage on one of the two rooms.// //The 2 servers are connected to each other by a link allowing to have the servers in 2 different and distant technical premises to ensure the physical integrity of the equipment and the non-propagation of a physical damage on one of the two rooms.//
-===== CONNECTION SCHEMA ​=====+===== Connection Schema ​=====
 {{:​faq:​materiel:​schema_raccordement.png?​1500|}} {{:​faq:​materiel:​schema_raccordement.png?​1500|}}
-===== FUNCTIONING OF THE CLUSTER ​=====+===== Functioning of the cluster ​=====
 The Linux services used for the Cluster are: The Linux services used for the Cluster are:
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   * Libvirtguest = Virtualization Management Tools   * Libvirtguest = Virtualization Management Tools
   * IP Cluster / Route Cluster = Active Network Node   * IP Cluster / Route Cluster = Active Network Node
-NOTE: All Linux services are controlled by Corosync, do not use the standard services of Linux daemons, do not use "​services"​ or "​systemctl"​ commands or automatic scripts like "​samba"​. Any activation of the services by this type of command cancels the system monitoring by peacemaker and corosync. 
 +<note important>​All Linux services are controlled by Corosync, do not use the standard services of Linux daemons, do not use "​services"​ or "​systemctl"​ commands or automatic scripts like "​samba"​. Any activation of the services by this type of command cancels the system monitoring by peacemaker and corosync.</​note>​ 
 +===== Server's supervision web page =====
 Goto « http://​ip_server/​web/​system/​ezmonitor » Goto « http://​ip_server/​web/​system/​ezmonitor »
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 {{cluster_Image_2.png?​600}} {{cluster_Image_2.png?​600}}
-===== CHECKING THE SYNCHRONIZATION OF CLUSTER DATA =====+===== Checking the synchronization of cluster data =====
-In a terminal or by ssh access on one of the cluster nodes use the "drbd-overview" ​command+In a terminal or by ssh access on one of the cluster nodes use the ''​drbd-overview'' ​command
  {{cluster_Image_3.png}}  {{cluster_Image_3.png}}
-Here the 2 primary and secondary servers are perfectly synchronized at the data level since the status ​"UpToDate" ​is effective on both servers.+Here the 2 primary and secondary servers are perfectly synchronized at the data level since the status ​''​UpToDate'' ​is effective on both servers.
 Primary / Secondary Uptodate / Uptodate shows the synchronization status of the 2 nodes of the cluster. Primary / Secondary Uptodate / Uptodate shows the synchronization status of the 2 nodes of the cluster.
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 In case the DRBD service is not started correctly (Cluster out of service), it is possible to restart the server data synchronization service via the following command: In case the DRBD service is not started correctly (Cluster out of service), it is possible to restart the server data synchronization service via the following command:
-# service drbdserv --full-restart+''​# service drbdserv --full-restart''​
-===== VALIDATION OF THE CORRECT FUNCTIONING OF THE CLUSTER ​(COROSYNC) =====+===== Validation of the correct functioning of the cluster ​(Corosync =====
-To know the state of the services managed by the cluster via a terminal or by access ssh, use the command ​"crm status"+To know the state of the services managed by the cluster via a terminal or by access ssh, use the command ​''​crm status''​
 {{cluster_Image_4.png}} {{cluster_Image_4.png}}
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 {{cluster_Image_5.png}} {{cluster_Image_5.png}}
-===== DESCRIPTION OF THE CONFIGURATION FILE =====+===== Description of the configuration file ===== 
 +== The first block indicates the state of the cluster==
-The first block indicates the state of the cluster 
 Last updated: Sun Sep 23 08:21:21 2018 Last updated: Sun Sep 23 08:21:21 2018
Line 96: Line 97:
 11 Resources configured. 11 Resources configured.
-The second block tells you which is the primary node, and where are the services:+== The second block tells you which is the primary node, and where are the services ​== 
 Online: [ dzacupsvr dzacupsvr2 ] Online: [ dzacupsvr dzacupsvr2 ]
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 => the 2 servers are "​online",​ and each service is operational on the primary. => the 2 servers are "​online",​ and each service is operational on the primary.
-===== VERIFYING THE CORRECT FUNCTIONING OF THE CLUSTER ​=====+===== Verifying the correct functioning of the cluster ​  =====
 See the cluster configuration,​ use the following command: See the cluster configuration,​ use the following command:
-# crm configure show+''​# crm configure show''​
-Example ​of a configuration file of the Abidjan cluster:+__Example ​of a configuration file of the Abidjan cluster:__
 {{cluster_Image_6.png}} {{cluster_Image_6.png}}
-  COmmands FOR VERIFYING THE CORRECT FUNCTIONING OF THE CLUSTER+===== Commands for verifying the correct functioning of the cluster =====
-for example « abjairsvr2 »+**for example « abjairsvr2 »**
 |DESIRED Action |SYSTEM Command| |DESIRED Action |SYSTEM Command|
Line 159: Line 160:
 |Check that the configuration files are identical between the nodes of a server| crm cluster diff /​etc/​samba/​smb.conf| |Check that the configuration files are identical between the nodes of a server| crm cluster diff /​etc/​samba/​smb.conf|
-===== VERIFICATION OF CLUSTER MANAGEMENT TOOLS =====+===== Verification of cluster management tools =====
 |DESIRED Action |SYSTEM Commands| |DESIRED Action |SYSTEM Commands|