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en:solutions:aodb [07/09/2017 16:00]
jdesouza [EN_EAF_PUB_AODB_201704-001_PlaqTech]
en:solutions:aodb [21/12/2018 16:26] (current)
jdesouza [AODB - Airport Operational DataBase]
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 ====== AODB - Airport Operational DataBase ====== ====== AODB - Airport Operational DataBase ======
-{{aodb_Image_0.png}} +{{:​logo:​eaf_log_aodb_201607-001_logo.png?80}}
- +
-===== General Description ​ ===== +
- +
-{{aodb_Image_1.png}} +
- +
-Airport Operational Database(AODB) is the central database or repository for all management systems. It provides all the flight related data in real time. +
- +
-AODB is the "​heart"​ of the airport. It allows integration and control of various airport systems such as resource allocation and billing into a single framework. Its management interface is user friendly, fast and easy to use.   +
- +
-AODB is the destination of all operational information generated automatically,​ or manually by external parties. Thus, the information is gathered in one source for all airport users and third parties. +
- +
-In some airport networks, AODB can be deployed with a centralized system, allowing a single infrastructure serving several airports. +
- +
-===== Features and advantages ===== +
- +
-  - Real-time system: +
-    - A centralized information system that oversee all the events at airport in real time; +
-    - A centralized management of operations that allows real-time interaction with all systems. +
-  - Robust and reliable system, using industry-standard technology, with mobile access capability. +
-  - Air Traffic Control, Slot Assignment and Resource Allocation System. ​  +
-  - A unified, integrated and secure system, with a unique, friendly, fast, intuitive and central interface. +
-  - Easy and effective administration of the user base and customization of group profiles allowing complete control over data access and updates. +
-  - Modular system, allowing the airport to just acquire the necessary modules and simplifies architectures into a single infrastructure to reduce costs. +
-===== Functional features ​ ===== +
- +
-==== Heart ==== +
- +
-Provides core functionalities of AODB such as: +
- +
-  - real-time management; ​  +
-  - system administration;​  +
-  - information management;  +
-  - integration with external systems. ​  +
-==== Scheduling ==== +
- +
-Functionality to generate a range of information in systems such as flight scheduling. +
- +
-==== Planning ==== +
- +
-Deploying real-time operational information in the scheduling module such as flight planning. +
- +
-==== Invoicing ==== +
- +
-This module provides functionality to invoice airlines for the use of airport resources. +
- +
-==== Reports ==== +
- +
-to generate reports and identify indicators of different aspects of airport operations. +
- +
 +|**Presentation** |{{:​en:​solutions:​aodbmenu:​en_eaf-pub-aodb-201808_001_plaq.pdf|AODB Overview}} |