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en:solutions:cupptmenu [07/09/2017 16:30]
jdesouza [Supervision Station]
en:solutions:cupptmenu [13/12/2018 14:04] (current)
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-====== CUPPT - IATA CUPPS platform======+==== Cupp-T ​- IATA CUPPS Platform ​====
-{{cupptmenu_Image_0.png?100}} +|**Presentation** |{{:​en:​solutions:​cuppt:​en_eaf-pub-cuppt-201712-001_plaq.pdf|Overview}} \\ [[:​en:​solutions:​cuppt|Technical overview]] \\ {{:​en:​solutions:​cuppt:​eaf_ppt_cuppt_201805-001_presentationen.pdf|Presentation}}|
-====== ​ CUPP-T ​ ====== +\\
- +
- +
- +
- +
-===== Common Use Passenger Processing Technology ===== +
- +
-IATA recommended practice 1797  +
- +
-  * Security: +
-    * authentication of the users; +
-    * only applications authorized by the platform can be run; +
-    * secure access to printers, boarding card readers and other peripherals.  +
-  * Interoperability & compatibility:​ +
-    * portable applications Load and Play (LnP);  +
-    * web hosted applications;​ +
-    * permits the use of peripherals without proprietary firmware. +
-  * IATA / CUPPS certified  +
-===== General ​ ===== +
- +
-Cupp-T is a high-performance platform which facilitates airlines, ground handlers or other operators to share common physical check-in, gate or back and front-office positions, and the associated peripherals,​ improving the efficiency of airport resources. +
- +
-Airport Manager Cupp-T supports any CUPPS compliant application including but not limited to: +
- +
-  * DCS (Departure Control System) for airlines; +
-  * Local-Departure Control System like Airport Manager L-DCS;  +
-  * Back office Applications;​  +
-  * Other Operational Applications.  +
-  +
-__Certified to IATA / CUPPS __version 01.03 revision 9.__ __ +
- +
-Supports the all major DCS for airlines:  +
- +
-  * ALTEA ©Amadeus +
-  * GAETAN ©Air France +
-  * Lufthansa Cute Future ©Brussels Airlines +
-  * MACS © Emirates +
-  * TROYA © Turkish Airlines  +
-  * Local DCS Airport Manager used by Air Corsica and many lowcost airlines like Ryanair, flyBE, Transavia, EasyJet, etc +
-  * all DCS applications conforming to the IATA / CUPPS norm. +
-===== Simple to Use Interface ===== +
- +
-{{cupptmenu_Image_1.png?​300}} +
- +
-Cupp-T: a modern and secure interface. In secure mode, only administrators have access to ‘Windows'​ desktop.  +
- +
-===== Features ​ ===== +
- +
-In addition to hosting airline applications,​ Cupp-T offers advanced functions:​ +
- +
-  * launching Microsoft office applications – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.;  +
-  * controlled access to a list of websites defined by the system administrator;​ +
-  * dynamic creation of multiple menus per operator and per user group; ​  +
-  * controlled access to webmail; +
-  * configuring devices in just a few clicks. +
- +
- +
-===== Configuring Peripherals ​ ===== +
- +
-Cupp-T allows system administrator to manage the devices.  +
- +
-{{cupptmenu_Image_2.png?​300}} +
- +
-==== Naming standard of peripherals as per IATA/CUPPS norm ==== +
- +
-|BP|Boarding Pass Printer|MS|Magnetic Swipe reader| +
-|BT|Bag Tag Printer|OC|Optical Character reader| +
-|BG|Boarding Gate reader|PR|Document Printer| +
-|BC|Bar Code Reader| | | +
-|DD|Display Device| | | +
- +
-The configuration of a device takes a few clicks using the following window: +
- +
-{{cupptmenu_Image_3.png?​150}} {{cupptmenu_Image_4.png?​150}} +
- +
-Just select a vendor and model from the list of CUPPS certified hardware to add or replace a device (Boarding pass or boarding tag printer, passport reader, magnetic card reader, etc.). +
- +
-=====  ===== +
- +
-===== Competitive opening ​ ===== +
- +
-Cupp-T **__does not use proprietary firmware__** for the devices. Thus, when the hardware needs to be replaced, the airport management has the full freedom of choice for any device vendor or model they intend to buy. +
- +
- +
- +
-===== Example of ALTEA ===== +
- +
-In the example below, the departure control application “ALTEA DC" is launched by Cupp-T. +
- +
-{{cupptmenu_Image_5.png?​300}} +
- +
- +
- +
-====== SuperVision  ====== +
- +
-{{cupptmenu_Image_6.png?​100}}  +
-====  Supervision Station ==== +
- +
-In Back Office, SuperVision allows IT staff to monitor the correct functioning of each workstation and running applications on Cupp-T platform. workstation.  +
- +
-The tool can take control of each screen and complete the following operations:  +
- +
-  * stop;  +
-  * restart; +
-  * remote control for technical support and training purposes;  +
-  * monitoring of  +
-  * processes and memory resources +
-Example of CUPPS  +
- +
-{{cupptmenu_Image_7.png?​300}} +
- +
-SuperVision allows administration of several platforms. It can be used in two modes for Edge-airport solutions:​ +
- +
-  * supervision of the Cupp-T system (IATA CUPPS platform);​ +
-  * supervision for FiDS , the flight information display system.+