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en:solutions:iatatextmenu:presiatatext [07/09/2017 16:51]
jdesouza [EN_EAF_PUB_IATATEXT_201603-002_PlaqTech]
— (current)
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-====== IATAText - Aeronautical Message System ====== 
-====== IATAText ====== 
-===== Technical description ===== 
-The «IATATEXT» software allows the sending and receiving of Type-B operational messages. 
-It is fundamental to the functioning of DCS in order to receive PNL/ADL messages to the address of the type xxxAMX. During flight closure of LDCS, IATAText facilitates sending of messages of the type PFS, LDM, PRL, PTM, ETL, etc. 
-The IATATEXT interface also allows manual sending of any other operational messages. 
-{{presiatatext_Image_1.png}}IATATEXT is capable of double-signature so that messages sent on behalf of airlines are not invoiced to airport, but directly to the airlines. 